Wow, my first blog in this new blog I started today, what pressure....
I have another blog where I post mostly about books but I've been thinking of starting a new one for non-book related writing so here I am. Why the name Buddhatude? What does it mean to me? Well, I journal and last year began a gratitude journal where I sat down daily and wrote answers to three short questions: 1) What are my intentions for the day? 2) What am I grateful for and 3) What was the highlight of the day?
Digression - I recently registered to take the GRE to apply to a graduate program which has been a dream of mine for over 13 years, save taking the GRE, I would have most likely had my Ph.D. by now. I am the type of person that thrives on inspiration and when I'm in a dry spell, I realize due to my own lack of motivation to seek it out, I get depressed and want to sleep more than anything else. I had my initial spurt of inspiration after registering for the GRE, then the stress of the test, the lack of time to study or desire I guess, sets in and I'm back in the place of needing new inspiration or motivation hmmmm Very tiring cycle I live in.
So this morning, like so many of not wanting to get up and go to work, although I love my job, just not feeling like I'm moving in my personal life plan, not feeling the inspiration, I decided to take some of my own advice I've often offered others in distress, think of the positive things I have, my health, my job (especially in this economy), I work with books which is my passion, my children and family, my girlfriend and much, much more and thought instead of journaling my gratitude and intentions for myself, why not send it out into the universe? So here I am.
The name Buddhatude came to me after struggling for a long time with what to call this type of blog. As far as spirituality, I feel closest to the Buddhist philosophy as it has offered me survival skills at times in my life where I didn't know how to survive. "Be here now" "Live in the moment" "Be present and awake and aware" "Sit with it". So combining my love of the buddhist philosphy and my attitude of gratitude, I created Buddhatude and was actually really surprised it was available.
As for today, my intention is to pay attention to all that is brought to my awareness and be still and quiet long enough to see its meaning and what I'm supposed to get from it. Today, I'm grateful for inspiration and I have yet to see what will be the highlight of my day! How exciting......
I have another blog where I post mostly about books but I've been thinking of starting a new one for non-book related writing so here I am. Why the name Buddhatude? What does it mean to me? Well, I journal and last year began a gratitude journal where I sat down daily and wrote answers to three short questions: 1) What are my intentions for the day? 2) What am I grateful for and 3) What was the highlight of the day?
Digression - I recently registered to take the GRE to apply to a graduate program which has been a dream of mine for over 13 years, save taking the GRE, I would have most likely had my Ph.D. by now. I am the type of person that thrives on inspiration and when I'm in a dry spell, I realize due to my own lack of motivation to seek it out, I get depressed and want to sleep more than anything else. I had my initial spurt of inspiration after registering for the GRE, then the stress of the test, the lack of time to study or desire I guess, sets in and I'm back in the place of needing new inspiration or motivation hmmmm Very tiring cycle I live in.
So this morning, like so many of not wanting to get up and go to work, although I love my job, just not feeling like I'm moving in my personal life plan, not feeling the inspiration, I decided to take some of my own advice I've often offered others in distress, think of the positive things I have, my health, my job (especially in this economy), I work with books which is my passion, my children and family, my girlfriend and much, much more and thought instead of journaling my gratitude and intentions for myself, why not send it out into the universe? So here I am.
The name Buddhatude came to me after struggling for a long time with what to call this type of blog. As far as spirituality, I feel closest to the Buddhist philosophy as it has offered me survival skills at times in my life where I didn't know how to survive. "Be here now" "Live in the moment" "Be present and awake and aware" "Sit with it". So combining my love of the buddhist philosphy and my attitude of gratitude, I created Buddhatude and was actually really surprised it was available.
As for today, my intention is to pay attention to all that is brought to my awareness and be still and quiet long enough to see its meaning and what I'm supposed to get from it. Today, I'm grateful for inspiration and I have yet to see what will be the highlight of my day! How exciting......
you are buddhafulllllll.........