Well, just got home from a scripting class. What is scripting you ask? Well, I'll give you my definition of scripting. Scripting is basically using your creative visualization and taking it a step further by writing it down on paper. So for example, I've applied to a graduate program in women's studies at Georgia State University, which I really have, I promise :) and in order to utilize the law of attraction, I will write about being accepted and any details I wish to come to fruition as if they have already happened. It is a way to get in touch with the emotions involved with receiving what it is I want to create and have in my life and by moving into the consciousness of living the life I desire, whatever that may be, I will attract that life to me if it is meant to be.
Along those lines though, I want to remain open to receiving what is my highest good and therefore will not limit my scripting to specifics or at least if I write specifics, to make a mental note that I'm open to receiving that wish I write about or better...Or better is the key here...
I've never been to a scripting class however I do know and believe in the law of attraction and have read Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization be it many years ago when I wasn't really ready to put it into practice. Funny enough, I've practiced scripting and wasn't even aware that I did. Just last week, I decided to write my own acceptance letter from GSU to myself congratulating me on being accepted into the Women's Studies program with a full scholarship and a research position to boot worth $40K (which is more than enough for me to live on, I'm very zen and don't require much :)) So by writing this letter, I even uploaded the GSU logo onto the letterhead for effect, I was scripting. I didn't stop there though which is really cool. I emailed this letter to numerous friends asking them to read it with belief and send positive energy to the fulfillment of this acceptance letter. I was overjoyed when so many people responded with well wishes and some even went a step further and said they saw themselves at my graduation. They were scripting and didn't know it either lol...Since then, several people have asked me to create a letter for whatever it is they are searching for so I'm happy to know not only did they buy into it, they want some more for themselves...Yes...
So an example of not limiting the manifestation of said creative scripting of one's dreams is that in this letter of acceptance where I was rewarded a stipend of $40K, I hold the space open for that money or more to come from any source, multiple sources if need be not necessarily GSU. I wouldn't want to limit what the universe is willing to provide me right?
The journal you see above was one that stood out for me when I stopped at Target on my way home. It brings feelings of fun, innocence, playfulness and staying childlike and open to opportunities. Children aren't skeptics like adults and this year I'm bound and determined to get in touch with my inner little girl. The one that believed she could do anything. The one that wasn't afraid to rock the boat, to dream big, to break records and rules. This cover speaks all of that to me and more.
May you get in touch with your passion today, tomorrow and beyond. It's contagious and God knows we could use a bit more passion in our lives.
Skater girl signing off!
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