Here I am at the end of another Sunday both enjoying the windows being open, cool breeze blowing through the apartment, music playing on the cd player, plans for dinner shortly with a friend, Thai food, yum. This day began with a friend who came to visit over the weekend, having a mini meltdown while I had someone to listen to me unconditionally, then seeing her off. Next was church and then the wonderful world of my bed for a nap...
As the morning turns to afternoon and then the afternoon to evening, I feel myself go to that place of gratitude for the weekend events, playing softball, spending time with friends at Piedmont Park watching the beautiful full moon rise from the hill, wine, cheese, hummus and more but best was the homemade blueberry pie.....then on to The Jungle for a Disco party.
The message at church today was about spring and about the idea of living from a place of crucifiction versus resurrection. Crucification is sort of like victimization or being stuck or frozen due to our past versus resurrection or walking to the edge of our fear or an opportunity and jumping. I always feel the message is just what I need to hear and being that my theme this year for my life is facing my fears, this message was very personal to me. Living safely, comfortably served it's purpose in my life and I am now ready to move past comfort and safe but let me just say it is extremely difficult, scary, emotionally draining and includes every other emotion that stretches and changes us.
I feel a lot like I felt in jr. high, very insecure in one moment and overly confident and invincible the next only to fall back into fear. Needless to say, it is an emotional roller coaster but I'm ready for this ride. I know no matter how far I fall, I'll always bounce back up. I have faith in my ability to see the lesson if even only after the fall.
This post will be short as I have to meet a friend for dinner but I needed a connection to my blog, to my writing self, to my higher power and through writing this is accomplished.
May you face life on the edge and not allow fear or past experiences to keep you frozen or stagnant. May you walk to the edge of whatever intimidates you and spread your wings and fly.
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