Okay, so I went and faced my fear of re-injury from a Friday night softball game. I pulled my left quad trying to sprint to 1st base and since then I've been overly cautious so as not to pull it again. I managed two days in the gym on the elliptical machine and weight training upper body but still felt unsure about jogging so today, as beautiful as it was, I decided since I'm off the rest of the week, why not give it a try and worst case scenario, I'm off of it a couple more days.
Good news is that I did manage to get in a few miles through the neighborhood and down into the square. I even stopped off at Fleet Feet in Decatur to pick up their spring training schedule as I plan to start training for some races during the summer. Since I've mainly been in the gym and cycling instead of running through the winter like I should have been, I'm a bit out of practice. I decided to take baby steps by training for a 5K and luckily a session starts April 5th and trains for the Race to House the Homeless June 18th in Virginia Highlands.
I feel a little bad that I'm having to go back to training for a 5K since I ran the Peachtree for 7 years straight but know that if I don't take it slow and build the proper muscle groups back up in order, I'll injure myself and really be out of commission for a while. I need to work my hamstrings. The body is an amazing machine and the older I get; the more I realize how much I took it for granted. I am feeling stronger already just knowing I've got a plan in place. I love running or shall I say jogging :) I feel free, I feel strong, I feel invincible and I feel high when I'm in my zone. I can't wait to get back there.
May you find your zone and stay in it. May it take you to a place of strength, confidence, peace, creativity and abundance of all that feels good...
How ironic that I just signed up for a 5k race today! Run on, my friend! Even the baby steps are important.